Strength: Bench Press
2x5 @ 65%
3x5 @ 70%
1x15 @50-55%
Bicep Curls 3x12
Tricep Ext 3x12
Conditioning: "Death By...Pull Ups & Deadlifts
Minute 1:
1 Pull Ups/2 Ring Rows (you will double the amount of ring rows)
1 Deadlift
Minute 2:
2 Pull Ups/4 Ring Row
2 Deadlift
Minute 3:
3 Pull Ups/6 Ring Row
3 Deadlift
Minute 4:
4 Pull Ups/8 Ring Row
4 Deadlift
Keep adding 1 Pull Up and 1 Deadlift to each minute until you're no longer able or UP TO 15 MINUTES. (Remember to double your ring rows)