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Thursday Sept 10th WOD


Bench Press

4x3 @ 80-85% 1 RM

Alt DB Bicep Curls 3x12

Tricep Ext 3x12


Every 2 Min for 16 Minutes (8 Rounds Total) 100m Run (run to 3rd set of twin houses) Max Reps Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch

(50/35)(40/25) Score: Total Dumbbell Snatch Reps ONLY Goal: 100 Reps+

So you should have about a minute each round for the snatches. To hit this goal, you'll need to choose a weight you can get at least 12-13 reps in each time. It might feel easy at first but it will add up in those later rounds for sure! If unable to run due weather.. 1 min double/single unders, or Mtn Climbers

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