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Writer's pictureStephanie

Thursday March 26th Virtual WOD

Train Insane Thursday Bodybuilding styel!!!

Chest, Triceps and Biceps! 💪

* Reminder there is NO 6:30am class on Thursday


1. Floor Press 3x15

2. One Arm Floor Press, 3x 15 Each arm

3. Squeeze Press 3x 12

4. Super Set

DB Floor Fly 4x12 /Max Rep Push ups



1. SUPER SET: Lying DB Tricep Extension

Lying Close Grip DB Press

2. 2 Arm Over head Tricep Ext 3 x 12

3. DB Tricep Kick Back 3 x 12

4. One Arm OH Tricep Ext 3 x 12


1. 3 Sets of DB 21's

2. 3 Sets of DB Hammer Curl 21's

3. Double DB Bicep Curl 3x12

4. DB Concentration Curls 3 x 12 each arm

*9:30am Class Information

Monday - Friday

Meeting ID: 494 882 647

*Conditioning 12 NOON Class Information

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Meeting ID: 345 268 834

*4:30pm Class Information

Monday - Friday

Meeting ID: 460 190 706

*6:00pm Class Information

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Meeting ID: 867-747-384

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