Warm up: (3min):
2 x 20m single arm Kettlebell overhead walk
Strength (7min):
3 sets of max reps (to failure) barbell strict press @ 70% of your 1 Rep Max strict press. Rest 90sec between sets.
Tabata (12min):
5 rounds:
20seconds of max quality reps: Knees on box Handstand Push-up.
Rest 40seconds between rounds.
Rest 2 Min then repeat the 5 rounds. (Hands shoulder width apart, elbows in and forearms remain vertical throughout the rep, finish with upper body stacked over wrists.
Video example: https://youtu.be/6e9KlPTT3aQ This is working on your inverted stability.)
Accessory (6min):
2 sets of 10 single arm heavy Dumbbell rows
Skill (5min):
Accumulate 8 to 10 wall walks
Skill (10min)
10 min EMOM
Pick a number of kipping handstand pushups you can complete in 10 seconds.(10 seconds of work, 50 seconds of rest). Choose a rep range which can be maintained for all 10 sets.
The focus for this is quality not volume! (Advanced people can work for 20 seconds) *IF you do not have HSPU at all, you will spend the 10min trying to kick up into a Handstand Hold for 10-20 Seconds EMOM