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Congrats to Cory Daws on being Mays Athlete of the Month!

Huge Congrats to Cory Daws on being Mays Athlete of the Month! Cory is an avid 5am'er, and attends 5 days a week, Monday-through Firday! Cory always has a smile on his face, never complains and just gets to work! Read below to find out a little more about Cory!

How were you introduced to Max Effort Fitness? --My friend Mike Nolan "Big Tasty" introduced me to MEF What is your proudest accomplishment since being a member at MEF? Being part of the CrossFit Open What is your or biggest improvement since joining MEF? My mobility and confidence....I leave the 5am class feeling great...haha What is your six month goal? Definitely dubs and get more consistent with my pull ups What is your favorite exercise? HSPU What is your least favorite exercise? Front squats If you created a workout, what would it be?

-25 minute AMRAP Partner WOD

-200 meter run

-10 HSPU

-20 clean and jerk (95/65)

-30 medicine ball sit up toss

-40 slam balls

-50 dubs/100 singles What is your Favorite cheat food? Wings What do you love most about Max Effort Fitness? I love the sense of accomplishment that I feel throughout the day after a great work out. 5am is a great group to start your day off with.

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