Wednesday March 23rd WODStephanieMar 22, 20221 min readConditioning: Partner Wod: “You go I go” 30 rounds:3 Hang Power Clean (135/95 lbs) (125/85)(115/75)3 Pull upsthen 20 rounds:4 Push Press (135/95 lbs) (125/85)(115/75)4 HSPUthen 10 rounds:5 Deadlifts (135/95 lbs) (125/85)(115/75)5 Toes to Bar
Conditioning: Partner Wod: “You go I go” 30 rounds:3 Hang Power Clean (135/95 lbs) (125/85)(115/75)3 Pull upsthen 20 rounds:4 Push Press (135/95 lbs) (125/85)(115/75)4 HSPUthen 10 rounds:5 Deadlifts (135/95 lbs) (125/85)(115/75)5 Toes to Bar
Saturday 02/08/2025Good Morning MEF, Remember rest is just as valuable as the work you put in! PARTNER WOD: LET'S HUNT Two Halves (15-minute AMRAPS)...