Jump in to June with double under practice every Wednesday!
Skill: Practice Double unders
Conditioning: Partner WOD : FOR TIME
20 Toes to bar/Knee to Chest
30 Hang power cleans (125/85)(115/75)( 95/65 lbs )
40 Wall balls 20/14 lbs
50 Alternating DB Snatches ( 50/35 lbs)
60 Wall balls 20/14 lbs
70/64 cal row (split)
60 Wall balls 20/14 lbs
50 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35 lbs)
40 Wall balls 20/14 lbs
30 Hang power cleans (125/85)(115/75)( 95/65 lbs )
20 Toes to bar/Knee to Chest