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Writer's pictureStephanie

Wednesday April 7th WOD

Skill day!! Choose ONE!

Pull up

Ring Dip

Bar Muscle up

* Please note...if you DO NOT HAVE A PULL UP OR RING DIP , you will NOT try for a Muscle UP.

Pull ups:

2. Scap Retractions 3x10

3. Toe- assit pull up or Jumping Negatives (jump into chin over bar hold) - then lower : 5 x1 with a 3 count decent

Ring Dip:

1. Negatives (jump into dip hold) then lower 5x1, 3 count decent

2. Dip Pulses 2x5-10

Bar Muscle UP

1. Hollow body pull downs: 2x10 reps

2. Front Lever Band Pulls 2x 8-10reps

(use a band that is challenging but doable, NO Kipping, strict as possible)

3. Hollow Jump to support: (half get out of the pull drill) 3x3 reps


20 Min Amrap:

  • 20 Push Press (40/25)(35/20)

  • 40 Hang Power Cleans (40/25)(35/30

  • 60 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)

  • 80 Kettlebell Swings (70/53 lb) (55/35)

  • 100 Double-Unders

  • If you complete the ascending ladder, repeat in reverseOne Partner works at a time. Split reps evenly

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