Pull ups:
1. Banded Hollow Lat Pull down 3x8
2. Negatives
4x3 (3 count decent)
4x3 (5 count Decent)
*If you do not work on BMU drills, do more pull up negatives or Ring Row Negatives with a 3 count decent
Bar Muscle Up:
1. Pull Down Hollow Drill 3x5 with 10 sec hold at the top
2. BMU Scoop to hollow: 15 slow reps
*(do only the 1st dril: the band with feet elevated on box)
3. Arch/Hollow Tension Drill: 2x10 Reps
Conditioning: Partner WOD
20 Min Amrap
200 M Run Together 30 pull-ups 40 DB Alt Snatches (50/35)(40/25) 50 push-ups 60 Slam Balls
*Split reps evenly