HAPPY TUESDAY! There are a few changes to this weeks schedule. Please see below. IF anyone has any questions or wants to workout on an off hour etc please reach out to me directly and I can give you the lock box code. Text or email is fine.
Thrusday July 18th: 4:30pm will be OPEN GYM. There will be NO 6pm class.
Saturday July 20th: 8am OPEN GYM ONLY. There will be NO 9:15 or 10:30 am.
Strength: Single Leg Strength -SAME AS LAST WEEK)
1. DB Bulgarian Split Squats: 4x10 each leg @ Moderate weight VIDEO
2. Single Leg KB Deadlift (use the rig for balance and keeping good form) 4x8 each leg VIDEO
Conditioning: 3 Rounds
8 Pull ups
16 Alt Barbell Front Rack Lunge (115/75) (95/65)
25 Double Unders
8 Pull Ups
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds