warm up:
Arm circles x 10
Single Arm Circle x 10
Seal Claps x 10
Seal Claps palms down x 10
Alt shoulder rotations x 10
90 Degree Pull out x 10
Standing Scap Retracions x 10
Dislocates x 10
Strength: Find a 1RM Bench Press
Barbell Bicep Curls 3x10
Tricep Ext 3x10
Conditioning: 10min AMRAP
3 Power Snatches (95/65)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Power Snatches (95/65)
6 Toes to Bar
9 Power Snatches(95/65)
9 Toes to Bar
......keep adding 3 reps until the 10min is up