Thursday Feb 9th WODStephanieFeb 8, 20231 min readStrength: Bench Press8 @ 65%8 @ 70% 8 @ 75 %8 @ 80 %Bicep Curls 3 x10 Tricep Ext 3 x10SIngle Arm DB Row 3x10Conditioning:21-18-15-12-9-6Deadlifts (225/155)(185/135)HSPU/Kneel and Press
Strength: Bench Press8 @ 65%8 @ 70% 8 @ 75 %8 @ 80 %Bicep Curls 3 x10 Tricep Ext 3 x10SIngle Arm DB Row 3x10Conditioning:21-18-15-12-9-6Deadlifts (225/155)(185/135)HSPU/Kneel and Press
Saturday 02/08/2025Good Morning MEF, Remember rest is just as valuable as the work you put in! PARTNER WOD: LET'S HUNT Two Halves (15-minute AMRAPS)...