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Sept 11th Tribute WOD “Never Forget”

Writer's picture: StephanieStephanie

This 9/11 we will be doing the hero WOD “343

343 is a Hero WOD created and dedicated to honor the 343 FDNY firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11/2001 in the terrorist attacks on New York City.


100 Deadlifts

100 Power Cleans

100 Ground to Overhead (can be push press, power snatch, clean & Jerk)

43 Burpees

Parnter WOD style because 9/11 brought us TOGETHER where the entire world stopped and prayed together, loved one another, and helped one another.

*Original weights for this WOD are light because its not written as partner.

Suggested weights are normal RX weights

Deadlift (185/125 (135/95)

Power Clean (115/75)(95/65)

GTOH (95/65)(65/45

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