Saturday May 4th WODStephanieMay 4, 20241 min read30 min partner AMRAP: Split reps evenly)10 Deadlifts (135/95)(125/85)10 Hang power cleans10 Front squats10 Push Jerks10 Back squats*at 0:00, 10:00 and 20:00, row 600m/400 (split row as desired)
30 min partner AMRAP: Split reps evenly)10 Deadlifts (135/95)(125/85)10 Hang power cleans10 Front squats10 Push Jerks10 Back squats*at 0:00, 10:00 and 20:00, row 600m/400 (split row as desired)
Saturday 02/08/2025Good Morning MEF, Remember rest is just as valuable as the work you put in! PARTNER WOD: LET'S HUNT Two Halves (15-minute AMRAPS)...