DB WOD: 4 Rounds
8 Man Makers
20 Deadlifts
24 One-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Scissor Kicks
* 12 each arm DB Thrusters
Body Weight WOD:
15 Min AMRAP 1 Push Up + 1 Shoulder Tap + Tap (left/right) 1 Jump OVER 2 Push Up + Tap + Tap 2 Jump OVER 3 Push Up + Tap + Tap 3 Jump OVER... Keep adding 1 rep per movement and get as far as possible in 15 min
*U will always do a push up +Tap + Tap regardless of what number you are on. So push up tap/ tap. push up + tap/tap, push up + tap/ tap would mean u are on ur # 3 You can jump over ANYTHING! A laundry basket, a bench, a chair , a Dumbell, whatever!
Bodybuilding extra credit. (Can be done before or after WOD at any time of day)
DB standing or seated Shoulder Press
3 x12
Tri set x 3
1. lateral raise x 12
2. Bent over Fly x12
3. Front DB Front Raise x12
*can use soup cans if u don’t have lighter Dumbells or lateral/ front raises
