Strength: You will take 50% of your 5 rep max for each lift. It may seem light at first, but you will be adding weight 5-10lbs to the bar each workout. Increase weight as you progress through the cycle at a reasonable rate. Increments can be as little as 1lb and as much as 10lbs. It really depends on how you feel. Usually the first few weeks you will be adding 5+lbs per workout.
You should only increase the weight when you can perform all 5 sets for 5 reps (which means some days you may not be able to get 5 reps for all your sets, and that’s fine).
Strength: Shoulder Press 5x5 (50% of 5rm)
Conditioning: (15min Cap)
10 Rounds
6 Devil Press (50/35)(45/25)
9 Box Jump