It's Friday! Count up those small victories and celebrate yourself!
Strength: 10-minute EMOM
-2 Snatch Balances (VIDEO)
continue to add weight each new minute until you feel that you are at a 8-9 RPE, then work at that weight for the remainder of the EMOM
Conditioning: 20-minute AMRAP
-6 DB Lateral Lunges (3ea leg) (VIDEO)
-8 Hanging Leg Raises (VIDEO)
-12 DB Hang Power Clean and Press
-14 Ring Rows
PROGRAM NOTE: WHAT IS RPE? (you will see more RPE sets programmed moving forward)
RPE—Rate of Perceived Effort—is a subjective measurement of how hard someone feels they are working during physical activity. RPE can be a helpful way to get accustomed to how your body feels during a workout by tuning into how heavy you are breathing and how fast your heart is beating. On the RPE Scale, zero (0) = rest, and ten (10) = maximal effort. See chart below:
