“I’ve always wondered why birds stay in the same place, when they could fly anywhere in the world. And then I ask myself the same question.” – Harun Yahya
We are like the bird. We can fly anywhere in the world. But… we hold ourselves back.
I don’t have the time. I’m not educated enough. I’m too old. I’m too young. I'm not a natural with this. I can’t afford it. I’m afraid of what might go wrong. Every single one of the above can be legitimately true. But even with that being the case, we still want to see what they are at their core. A list of self-induced doubts and fears.
A powerful perspective we can take into our day: we sometimes can forget that we have wings.
Strength: Build up in weight each set
4 WORKING Sets: 1 Push Press 2 Push Jerks
*You will perform a few warm up sets before you get to your working weight..then increase weight each working set.
Toes to Bar
OHS (Rx+115/75) (95/65R Rx)
-Rest 2 Min
Hang Power Clean (135/95 Rx+) (115/85 RX)
Burpee over Bar