Wishing Sue Donnelly a very Happy Birthday 🎉
Since Sues Birthday Is 7/17 (LUCKY NUMBER 7'S) what better WOD to do then. “The SEVEN”
Conditioning: Partner WOD
"THE SEVEN" (with some modifications of movements)
7 Rounds:
7 Handstand Push-Ups
7 Thrusters (Rx+135/95)(95/65)
7 Knees-to-Elbows
7 Hang Power Snatches (Rx+135/95) (95/65)
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)
7 Pull-Ups
Partners will alternate movements through out the rounds. Partner A will do 7 HSPU, Partner B will do 7 Thrusters, Partner A will do 7 k2elbow, Partner A will do 7 hang snatches etc etc. Continue alternating movements for all 7 rounds!