Pull ups:
Hanging Scapular shrugs 2x10
Negatives: 5x2 (3 count decent)
Bar MU drills:
1x 10 reps: hollow I-Y-T (use approx 5lbs in each hand - alter if too easy/hard to get each rep)
Can be done lying on the floor instead of bench if need be
Banded Bar Muscle up: 10-15 quality reps
Conditioning: 12min AMRAP
2 Deadlifts (225/155)(185/135) 2 DB Floor Chest Press (40/25) 2 Box Jumps (30/24)(24/20) 4 Deadlifts 4 DB Floor Chest Press
4 Box Jumps 6 Deadlifts 6 DB Chest Press
6 Box Jumps
8 Deadlifts
8 DB FLoor Chest Press
8 Box Jumps … Go Up by (2) reps until end of AmraP