Strength: 12min EMOM
Odd Minutes: 3 Front Squats
Even Minutes: 6 Back Squats(Use 72% of 1RM Front Squat for both lifts) (72% should be about 5lbs more then last week)
Conditioning: (15min cap)
3 Deadlifts, 3 Hang Power Cleans, 3 Push Jerks or Push Press 6 Deadlifts, 6 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks 9 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 9 Push Jerks
12 Deadlifts, 12 Hang Power Cleans, 12 Push Jerks
15 Deadlifts, 15 Hang Power Cleans, 15 Push Jerks 18 Deadlifts, 18 Hang Power Cleans, 18 Push Jerks
IF going ligter in weight you will turn this workout into an AMRAP and continue up the ladder by 3's until the 15min is up