Wishing a very special Happy Birthday to Sue!!! This is one of my all time fav pics of me and your daughter Bri! First Xmas party at MEF and the start of a beautiful friendship! Happy Birthday! Birthday Burpees coming your way Sue!

1: Deadlift 5x3 + ME set
2: Single leg Stiff Leg Dead lift 3x10 Each leg
For TOTAL Time: 5 Box Jumps (30/24) (24/20) 10 Front Squats (135/95) (125/85) • Rest 30 Seconds • 10 Box Jumps 10 Front Squats • Rest 30 Seconds • 15 Box Jumps 10 Front Squats • Rest 30 Seconds • 20 Box Jumps 10 Front Squats • Rest 30 Seconds • 25 Box Jumps 10 Front Squats