Strength: 14min Emom
Warm Up 3 Muscle Snatches + 3 Overhead Squats 1 Set – 40%, 1 Set – 45%, 3 Sets – 50%
Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch Minute 1: 60% Minute 2: 65% Minute 3: 70% Minute 4: Rest Minute 5: 70% Minute 6: 75% Minute 7: 80% Minute 8: Rest Minutes 9-10 Build to a Heavy complex
“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds of 1 Minute at Each Station: Wallballs (20/14) Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/55) Box Jumps (20/18) Push Press (75/55) Calorie Row or Max Cals on Bike or Jump Rope Rest