Strength: Everyone should have a genearl knowledge of their 1RM Back squat and or 3RM Back squat. You will need to know this for Saturdays competition!
Deload: Back Squats 5 x 5 @ 65-75%
4 rds
Every 5 Minutes complete: 20 Back Squats (145/105 Rx+) (Rx135/95) 15 Kettle Bell Swings (70/53) (55/35) 10 Hang Squat Cleans (145/105) (135/95)
If you finish the 20,15,10 in 3 minutes, you then have 2 min rest. Everyone will start again at the next 5min mark. Goal is to to do the movements pretty much unbroken. Choose a weight that allows you to get at least 60-90 seconds rest between rounds! Scale appropriately! Don't worry about the weight, but more in going unbroken for most of the movements in the workout! Especially in the first 2 rounds. Goal is to get through all 20 Back Squats Unbroken