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Wed April 11th WOD

Writer's picture: StephanieStephanie


Pull ups:

1. Banded Hollow Lat Pull down 3x8

2. Negatives

4x2 (3 count decent)

4x2 (5 count Decent)


Dip Pulses: 3x8

Dip Negatives (jump into dip hold on rings, then lower)

4x2 (3 count decent)

4x2 (5 count decent)

Bar Muscle Up:

Bar Muscleup Pull Down Hollow Drill 3x5 with 10 sec hold at the top of pull

BMU Scoop to hollow: 15 slow reps

*(do only the 1st dril: the band with feet elevated on box)

Arch/Hollow Tension Drill: 15 reps


15min Amrap

  • 20 Push Press (135/95)

  • 40 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) (135/95)

  • 60 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)

  • 80 Kettlebell Swings (70/53 lb) (55/35)

  • 100 Double-Unders

  • If you complete the ascending ladder, repeat in reverse

One Partner will work at a time. Climb up the ladder to complete the 100 Double Unders – then go back down the ladder, KB Swings, WBs, PCs, PP– if you have enough time start climbing back up again. For example do 20-40-60-80-100, then 80-60-40-20, then 40-60-80-100, etc.

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