Psoas March 2x10 each side (can do step 1 and or step 2 of Psoas March if capable)
KB or DB Suitcase Deadlifts: 8-6-4-2.
Perform reps on R then L at each rep range.
Strength: Back Squats 3x15 (35-45% of 1RM)
There are a few options for pull ups on this workout. Read all of them.
10 Pull Ups 1 Front Squat (135/95) (115/75) 9 Pull Ups 2 Front Squats 8 Pull Ups 3 Front Squats 7 Pull Ups 4 Front Squats 6 Pull Ups 5 Front Squats 5 Pull Ups 6 Front Squats 4 Pull Ups 7 Front Squats 3 Pull Ups 8 Front Squats 2 Pull Ups 9 Front Squats 1 Pull Up 10 Front Squats
RX + ( Strict Pull Ups)
Rx ( Bar Muscle up or CTB Pull up)
Scale (Jumping Bar Muscle up from box/Banded BMU or Kipping Pull up) DB weights
RX +( 50/35 ) RX ( 35/25)