Skill Day!
Pull ups:
1. Hanging Active Shrugs 3x10
2. Negatives (jump into chin up hold) - then lower 5 sets of singles with a 3 count decent
Ring Dip:
1. Dip Pulses 3x10
2. Negatives (jump into dip hold) then lower 5x1
Bar Muscle Up
30 controlled reps of: standing hollow pull-downs
Bar Muscleup Rolling Drill 3x10
BMU rolling pull downs: *arms should stay straight the entire time. * Body in hollow position -
pull down hard on bar as you come back
15min Amrap 15 Burpee 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (115/75)(75/55) (KB 55/70)
15 Push Press (35/50 dumbell)