Core Strength: (10min)
Front Rack Single Arm KB Squats 2x8 each side. 3 sec down, 2 count pause, up fast.
KB Suitcase Hold: Hold a weight in one hand, switch hands as needed for 4 total minutes
The Burgener Warm-Up
Strength: 20min to Find a 1RM Snatch or 1RM Clean and Jerk
Choose which variation works best for you. Squat or Power
Conditioning: 12min total time (Go hard and fast!)
5min Amrap 21 Mountain Climbers 21 Toes to Bar 21 Push Jerk(115/75)
rest 2 min
5min Amrap 15 Mountain CLimbers 15 Toes to Bar 15 KBS (55/35)