Dont Forget! Next Tuesday is Halloween! Dress in your favorite Costume!
There will be a regular morning class schedule, but There will ONLY be a 4:30pm afternoon class on Halloween. 5:30 and 6:30 are cancelled. Happy Trick or Treating!
Conditioning: Partner WOD
10 rounds for time, alternating movements 10 thrusters (115/75) 10 handstand push ups 10 pull ups 10 overhead squats (115/75) 10 hang power cleans (115/75) 10 KBS 10 wall balls (25/16)
Partner A will complete all 10 Thrusters. Partner B will then complete all 10 HSPU, Partner A will then do 10 Pull ups...ect ect Alternate movements through out all 10 rounds. So each person ends up doing 5 rounds