Strength: Push Press
3 Warm up sets
5x5 working sets
12 Single Arm Push Press + Overhead Squat Right 12 Single Arm Push Press + Overhead Squat Left 12 V-Ups 11 Single Arm Push Press + Overhead Squat Right 11 Single Arm Push Press + Overhead Squat Left 11 V - Ups 10 Single Arm Push Press + Overhead Squat Right 10 Single Arm Push Press + Overhead Squat Left 10 V Ups .... • Keep going down by one each round until... • 1 Single Arm Push Press + Overhead Squat Right 1 Single Arm Push Press + Overhead Squat Left 1 V-Up • RX Men: 35-45# DB or 55# KB RX Women: 15-25# DB or 35# KB
The weight will start at your shoulder. You will push press it up to lock out. Then you will perform an overhead squat. That is 1 rep.
At the end of that rep, you will lower the weight back down to the shoulder and perform another push press to start rep #2.