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Jan 17th WOD

Strenght: Back Squat (90% of 1RM)

1x8 @ 65%

1x8@ 70%



Strict Pull ups:

if you have a Max of: 5 sets. 4/ 3/3/ 2/1 reps(do pull ups between back squats)

If you have a max of 10 : 5 sets 9/ 8/7/6/ 5 reps

Negatives (jump up to get chin over the bar to start the pull up and let yourself down slowly. Your goal will be to hold in the most difficult positions as those will be your weakest positions.)


5 rds

5 Squat Cleans (75% of clean) (scale hang squat clean)

15 Box Jumps

25 Situps

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