Bench Press...Take 90% of 1RM, then base your numbers off of 90%. For example...If your bench press is 100 lbs, 90% of 100 = 90lbs. You would then calculate 60% of 90lbs. Which = 54lbs...round up to 55lbs. 55x10 etc etc
1x10 @ 60%
1x8 @ 70%
1x6 @ 75%
1x4 @ 80%
2) Pull Ups, Negatives/Progressions. If using band do 3 sets of 8 strict reps working the negative on decent.
2a) DB Row 3x10
12 min AMRAP
40 Sit ups
10 Power Snatches (115/75)
30 Situps
10 Power Snatches
20 Sit ups
10 Power Snatches