Max Effort Fitness- CrossFit Drexel Hill Athlete of the month is back!! Congrats to Melissa Otis for being January's Athlete of the Month!
Melissa is a hard worker and no matter how tired she is, always tries her best every day to make the 5am class! (Sometimes Melissa is more on time for the 5:15am class..haha) But she makes it! Better late then never! Melissa is a mother and a wife and has a full time job but she gets it done!

How were you introduced to Max Effort Fitness?
I first found this style of training via a workshop that I attend by another trainer at women's professional breakfast. I wanted a change so I joined the gym where this trainer work. That was where I was introduced to Stephanie. When the gym closed I was sad, I was also pregnant, Stephanie decide to open Max Effort and I came along for the ride. Stephanie assured me that working out Crossfit style would not hurt my pregnancy but would mostly likely ensure continued healthly lifestyle changes. The fact that Stephanie was willing to working with me at my ability and the added benefit of continuing to work out with supportive people was truely something I could get behind.
What is your proudest accomplishment since being a member at MEF?
This is a tough question there are a few things. I mean it is really easy to just not get up and come. I mean 5am is rough in general. I would say sticking with it. I started training this way in March of 2013. There has been a lot of life changes since then. I think it is a toss up between sticking to 3 days a week up until 1 week before I delivered my 3rd child or returning afterwards. Both were challenges that if you asked me 5 years ago if I would do either of these things I would have laughed.
What is your or biggest improvement since joining MEF?
Running, jump rope, well everything...but pull ups...still haven't mastered pull ups.
What is your six month goal?
1 pull up...ha ha ha, better form on my lifts so I can increase my weights too, less "cheat foods".
Gain confidence.
What is your favorite exercise?
I think a would have to say hang cleans, but I reserve the right to change my mind.
What is your least favorite exercise?
That is a toss up between deadlifts and thrusters
If you created a workout, what would it be?
Oh this is tough I don't even like working out :)
15 minute AMRAP
15 KBS
10 Hang Cleans
5 Push ups
What is your Favorite cheat food?
Only one?
I would say fried chicken or ice cream sundaes or cider...definitely cider.
What do you love most about Max Effort Fitness?
This is the easiest question of all, the people. I am kind of shy until you get to know me so meeting new people is hard. On your best day or your worst day the people care. Support comes from unexpected places text messages when you miss too many days or a "birth" gift with people you barely know at the time chipping in. I would say that I am a 99% "5 amer" but I have never felt unsupported by anyone at MEF, even all the members I don't know. Its a great place!