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Congrats to Madi for being November's Athlete of the Month!!

Madi has been a member of Max Effort Fitness-CrossFit Drexel Hill for a over a year and has made incredible progess in her fitness journy!! Madi has gained strength and has done things she never thought her body could ever do! Read below to find out a little more about Madi!

1. How were you introduced to Max Effort Fitness?

- I had attended a few classes at another CrossFit that was further away from my house and learned about a CrossFit gym that was opening in Drexel Hill. Being so close to my house, it was a no brainer to attend Max Effort-CrossFit Drexel Hill. I knew from the first class it was the right fit for me!

2. What is your proudest accomplishment since being a member at MEF?

205lb deadlift and (bonus) my first pull up.

3. What is your biggest improvement since joining MEF?

My endurance. Before MEF I could barely run down the street. Now I can complete a 5K without any training. I still hate running, but I don’t suck anymore.

4. What is your six-month goal?

A new PR on my back squat. I seem to always miss those days and it would be nice to finally break 140 because I KNOW I’m stronger.

5. What is your favorite exercise?

Deadlift Fo Sho.

6. What is your least favorite exercise?

Thrusters- it combines cleans and presses and squats- what could be worse?

7. If you created a workout, what would it be?

10 min AMRAP

o 10 wall balls

o 8 dead lifts

o 50 Dubs

8. What is your Favorite cheat food?

Pizza and fries.

9. What do you love most about Max Effort Fitness?

- The genuine community/family we have. The way we all cheer for each other and push each other is rare. I remember last year’s Christmas party thinking: “these people are awesome” Then I smile when I think of the slip and slide at Sandy and George’s. I mean, where else can you slide down a soapy runner with people you sweat and grunt with in a gym???

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