Congrats to George for being Max Effort Fitness's May Athlete of the Month! Since joining Max Effort, George started out with a 3x a week membership but quickly fell in love with the program and upped his membership to unlimited status!! You can now catch George in the gym 5-6 days a week! George's strength has sky rocketed, he has gained muscle every where, has gotten leaner to the point you can now see his 6pack abs, and has competed in competitions and the open! Read below to find out a little more about George!
1. How were you introduced to Max Effort Fitness? I was introduced by my lovely wife Sandy who started at Max Effort 1month before I did. 2. What is your proudest accomplishment since being a member at MEF? Finishing in the top 10% of the scaled division of the open 3. What is your or biggest improvement since joining MEF? My overall health. I feel amazing! 4. What is your six month goal? To get that first bar muscle up and get those pesky double unders 5. What is your favorite exercise? Tie between hang cleans, push ups, and call me crazy Burpees! 6. What is your least favorite exercise? Running for sure! 7. If you created a workout, what would it be? 21,15,9 Power cleans, push ups and Burpees. 8. What is your Favorite cheat food? I'm known to stop at Wawa and buy a 2 for $2.22 King size candy bars. Eating them both! 9. What do you love most about Max Effort Fitness? Everything! It's my home away from home. It’s my happy place. The people are amazing and friendly. It would be easier to say what I don't like because the answer to that would be nothing!!! I love being a part of Max Effort Fitness!!